
Fight the rising fuel prices with MiFleet technology

Prevent fuel card fraud

Our telematics solution is linked to your fuel transaction data and alerts you when potential fuel card fraud is detected.

Identify and stop fuel theft

Our smart algorithms automatically match fuel receipts with your vehicle's advanced telemetry data to identify any fuel theft.

Fuel consumption visibility

The technology gives you full visibility of your fleet’s fuel consumption to avoid fuel wastage, by giving comprehensive reports on the company’s litres per kilometre usage.

Let's get in touch

Chat to us today so we can help you save fuel, money and time spent on admin.

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Get automated alerts when our artificial intelligence predicts possible fuel fraud

Features that boost your business

Actionable intelligence

Simple setup and quick imports of transactions to instantly spot possible fuel fraud events.

Advanced sensor technology

Transaction details and tank capacity comparison to actual litres of fuel and vehicle location.

Real-time alerts

Automated reminders of upcoming payment dates to avoid penalties or vehicle downtime.